Corns and Callus
Did you know that callus and corns are not the same thing? Callus is when your skin thickens evenly due to intermittent compression, while corns are areas of callus that have formed into a nucleus or clear centre. These centres can have many shapes depending on their location and established stresses!
If you’re experiencing pain from corn or callus, don’t worry; treatments are available. One way to reduce the discomfort caused by callus or corn is to lessen the hard skin with a surgical blade. However, keep in mind that the corn or callus may reform.
Another way to manage pressure is to investigate where the intermittent compression comes from and then reduce or remove it. For instance, you can opt for more comfortable footwear for corn on the tops of your toes or use padding for a corn between your toes. This will help prevent callus or corn from forming and alleviate any discomfort.
So, if you’re tired of dealing with painful corn or callus, take action today and get in touch with us.