Thick Nails

Did you know that thickened nails can make nail cutting a real challenge? It’s called Onychauxis, and it’s not just a cosmetic issue. Nails becoming abnormally thick and turning brown can indicate an underlying problem.

Several factors, such as an accidental blow or persistent minor trauma, can damage the nail root. Fungal infections, chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, or systemic diseases like Darier’s can also cause thickened nails.

While the damage to the nail matrix is irreversible, there are ways to ease the pain and prevent further complications. Regular treatment can help reduce the thickness of the nails and make them more manageable. Choosing footwear with appropriate depth is also important, especially if the thick nails are linked to a skin condition.

Don’t let thickened nails hold you back! Proper care and treatment allow you to manage your nails at near-normal thickness and avoid discomfort or pain